WordPress BibSonomy Plugin

This plugin embeds BibSonomy in your WordPress blog. These are some of it’s features

  • post your blog entries with a few clicks to BibSonomy
  • include your tag cloud from BibSonomy inside a post/page
  • include a list of posts

Want to see this in action? Have a look at the examples.


Download the plugin, unzip it into the wp-content/plugins directory and activate it. After that, you’ll have to configure the plugin in the settings menu:

Enter your username.
API key
Copy and paste it from your BibSonomy settings.
Default tags
If you post your blog entries to BibSonomy they’ll have these tags attached by default.

If you don’t enter these values, the sky will fall on your head and the plugin might not work.


You can either use the macros and include content from BibSonomy inside a post/page or use the admin menu to post your blog entries to your BibSonomy profile.

Post blog entries

Posting your blog entries to BibSonomy is as easy as clicking on SettingsBibSonomy in the admin menu, choosing Show posts, selecting some posts and clicking on Post selection. Depending on the number of blog posts you’d like to send to BibSonomy this’ll take some time.

To get the most out of this feature you should:

  • add sensible categories and tags to your blog entries
  • supply an excerpt for every post/page, since this will be used as a description. For pages you may use a custom field named excerpt.

Finally, don’t try to spam BibSonomy – it’s not worth the hassle.


Since WordPress 2.5 and the Shortcode API it’s very easy to supply the user with powerful macros. You simply add them to a post/page and they’ll be replaced with some content.

The macros will be evaluated every time the page loads, so now may be the time to think about caching.


To show a tag cloud inside a page you may use the bibsonomy-tags macro. Because the plugin doesn’t want to include the CSS for the tag cloud on each and every page of your website you’ll have to add a custom field named bibsonomy to the page you’d like to use the shortcode on.
You may supply a value for minusercount, i.e. the amount of posts a tag has been used on; defaults to 10. Example:

[bibsonomy-tags minusercount="5"]

To learn more about the attributes for the bibsonomy-tags macro have a look at the reference.

The plugin uses the Google Chart API to generate charts with statistical information about your tags. You can use the bibsonomy-tags macro along with the nested bibsonomy-chart macro to produce a graph that shows the overall occurrence of your tags:

[bibsonomy-tags style="occurrence" minusercount="1"]
[bibsonomy-chart color="#6699cc" xlabels="6"]

To learn more about the attributes for the bibsonomy-chart macro have a look at the reference.


This feature is very powerful because you’re able to include posts from BibSonomy inside a post/page. You’re able to define the resource type, add tags and restrict the number of posts.

The following would include the four most recent bookmarks, tagged with myTag while skipping the first two posts:

[bibsonomy-posts tags="myTag" start="2" end="6"]

To learn more about the attributes for the bibsonomy-posts macro have a look at the reference.

Macro reference

Here you can find all the attributes for the macros. Hint: if you want to keep the default value, you don’t have to include the attribute in the macro.


OptionDescriptionPossible values
minusercountYou used this tag this many timesInteger greater than 0; defaults to 5
styleLayout stylecloud, occurrence; defaults to cloud


This macro must be nested inside bibsonomy-tags to be useful.

OptionDescriptionPossible values
colorThe color for the graphRGB color string like #123 or #aaccee
xlabelsShows every n’th label on the x axis. Useful if you’re having a lot of labels.Integer greater than 0; defaults to 5
widthWidth for the chartInteger greater than 0; defaults to 550
heightHeight for the chartInteger greater than 0; defaults to 200


OptionDescriptionPossible values
resourcetypeThe resource type attached to a postbookmark or bibtex; defaults to bookmark
tagsInclude posts with these tags onlySpace separated list of tags
startThe offset in the result setInteger greater than 0; defaults to 0
endThe limit in the result setInteger greater than start; defaults to 20
styleLayout stylelist, publ-bibsonomy; defaults to list


This plugin makes extensive use of PHP 5.x and WordPress 2.5. Earlier version of PHP or WordPress won’t work.

For this plugin to work your theme needs the wp_head() function in the HTML header. Otherwise the CSS will not work and there’ll be just a list and not a cloud of tags.

11 thoughts on “WordPress BibSonomy Plugin”

  1. Pingback: Carpe diem et noctem! » Wordpress-Plugin zur Anbindung von Bibsonomy

  2. Pingback: Kombination von Weblog, Kalender und Literaturverzeichnis? « Jakoblog — Das Weblog von Jakob Voß

  3. Hi, is this plugin working with WP 2.6.2? I have some of the shortcode embedded in a sidebar widget but it doesn’t seem to be calling anything. This was working before I upgraded.

  4. Hi Neil,

    is this plugin working with WP 2.6.2

    I’m currently running this version of WordPress and everything is working fine. But I must admit that I haven’t got much experience with WP’s widget mechanism, so I can’t tell whether that broke apart.

  5. I discovered the fix. If you want to add shortcodes to the widget bar, you must include the line add_filter('widget_text', 'do_shortcode'); to your functions.php. I did this before but the new theme must have overridden it.

    Thanks to this web page.

  6. hi, i dont know how to use bibsonomy. i can save bookmarks, etc. but when i logout, i cant see anything, even at /user/myprofile there is nothing, how can i solve this? any idea?

  7. Hi Diego,
    have you had a look at the help pages? You can mark bookmarks as private: this way only you can see them and nobody else. Try setting the bookmarks to public and they’ll appear on your profile page.

  8. Hi,
    I tried the plugin on 2.7.1 The plugin seems to grap the text from the code, except the closing tag, but don’t display anything. There ins’t any hint in the sourcecode
    what goes wrong. Any idea?

  9. Pingback: Literaturverwaltung „beyond the PDF“ – Ein Forschungsfeld für Bibliotheken?! « Literaturverwaltung & Bibliotheken

  10. Pingback: fstyle.de » BibSonomy

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