On this page you can find all the tiny things I released to the public. They are categorized into projects, utilities and tests. While projects need a certain size to be called a project, utilities are small, neat things that help you with a very specific task. At last there’re the tests I wrote: pieces of code that test a new technology or just an idea.
If you’re searching for everything WordPress have a look at this page.
- WordPress ThickBox Plugin
- This WordPress plugin helps you to embed ThickBox into any post or page
- WordPress SmoothGallery Plugin
- This WordPress plugin helps you to embed JonDesign's SmoothGallery inside your blog
- WordPress ShowHiddenDIV Plugin
- This plugin helps you to reveal some content that is hidden to the user when the page loads.
- WordPress List Posts with Custom Field Plugin
- This plugin provides a shortcode that displays a list of posts with a certain custom field.
- WordPress jQuery UI Slider plugin
- WordPress plugin that either allows you to display your four most recent posts or the four latest WP e-Commerce products in a slider.
- WordPress Hierarchical Navigation Plugin
- This plugin helps you to embed a simple hierarchical navigation menu and breadcrumbs into your site.
- WordPress Comment fix Plugin
- This plugin makes sure that comments with an eMail address equal to one of registered users has got the correct user id set.
- WordPress BibSonomy Plugin
- This plugin helps you to embed BibSonomy in your WordPress blog
- Confluence BibSonomy Plugin
- This plugin helps you to display your BibSonomy tags, publications and more in Confluence
- BibSonomyExporter
- This tool helps you to export your BibSonomy posts into other social bookmarking sites like del.icio.us, Mister Wong, Furl, you name it
- WebChangeMonitor
- WebChangeMonitor monitors any resource on the web for you: websites, news feeds, you name it...
- LinkStatusChecker
- Checks your bookmarks from BibSonomy and del.icio.us for broken links
- WebStatsSpammer
- This tool helps you to generate HTTP requests with custom referrers
- CharacterCounter
- CharacterCounter is a tool written in Java that helps you to count characters contained in text files and to print statistics
- Performance comparison between Groovy and Java
- Presents a test that compares the performance of Java and Groovy code in several use cases
- Comparison between Guice, PicoContainer and Spring
- This post shows my comparison of Google Guice, PicoContainer and Spring
- Performance tests for introspection of JavaBeans
- Tests the performance of the Java Introspector class
- AOP with AspectJ
- This post is about AspectJ and why you might want to use it every day
- Testing web applications with Jetty
- Shows how to deploy and test your servlets with Jetty - everything inside a JUnit test
- Webservices with Hessian and Burlap
- How to develop web services with Hessian and Burlap
- Logging with AspectJ
- This post shows how to add logging to your application with AspectJ
- Profiling with AspectJ
- This post shows how to profile applications easily with AspectJ
- Singletons with AspectJ
- Although I wouldn't recommend it this post shows you how to implement the Singleton-Pattern with AspectJ 5
- Java Bean mapper performance tests
- Performance comparison between Java Introspector, Commons BeanUtils, Spring BeanUtils and Dozer
- Caching with AspectJ
- Shows how to use AspectJ and annotations to implement a simple cache that speeds up your application
- Iterating over the characters in a string
- Evaluates the fastest method to iterate over the characters in a string with Java
- Friday the 13th with Joda Time
- Presents Java code that uses Joda Time to find the next Friday the 13th dates.
- Hot math: twin and sexy prime numbers
- Shows some Java code that helps you to find groups of prime numbers, i.e. pairs of twin primes, triplets of sexy primes and so on.
- Changing the order of letters in words
- Even if the order of letters in words is changed just slightly you will most likely be able to read the text without much problems.