Enhancing your privacy using Squid and Privoxy

If you would like to surf the internet anonymously I’ll show you how to use Squid and Privoxy for this purpose. First we’ll configure Squid to filter some HTTP header fields. After this, web servers will most likely think that we aren’t requesting content through a proxy but rather directly with our browser. We will see that we can’t manipulate all HTTP header fields without running into problems: Privoxy will help us here.

You can test your setup with ProxyJudge or SamAir; there are a lot of other tools which provide this functionality. While SamAir just checks some HTTP header fields, ProxyJudge will do a more comprehensive check. It will calculate your level of anonymity: it ranges from 1 to 5 where level 1 is excellent and 5 bad. If you’re already using a proxy, your level of anonymity might be bad: go check it right now so you can compare the results later.

Configuring Squid

If you don’t want to use Privoxy you can still set some options in your squid.conf, which will get you up on level 1 or 2 at ProxyJudge. Here they are:

via off
forwarded_for off

header_access From deny all
header_access Server deny all
header_access WWW-Authenticate deny all
header_access Link deny all
header_access Cache-Control deny all
header_access Proxy-Connection deny all
header_access X-Cache deny all
header_access X-Cache-Lookup deny all
header_access Via deny all
header_access Forwarded-For deny all
header_access X-Forwarded-For deny all
header_access Pragma deny all
header_access Keep-Alive deny all

These directives control some HTTP header fields, which are set by Squid or another proxy if your Squid is part of a hierarchy of proxies. The Via and Forwarded-For fields are set to indicate that this request was forwarded by a proxy. This is something we don’t want, because this would leak the information that we’re using a proxy. Due to this reason the bunch of header_access lines deny some other fields too.

After you’ve done this you should have a rating of 1 or 2: you only get a 1 if you haven’t got reverse DNS enabled for your IP. More often than not this is something you can’t control but your ISP. If you don’t want every web server to know your current IP you can setup Squid to use another proxy as parent, e.g. a proxy provided by your ISP. Be aware that this might result in a bad rating, because the parent proxy might set the mentioned HTTP header fields and obviously you can’t change that.

So far this setup is highly effective, but I still recommend enabling Privoxy.

Configuring Privoxy

The advanced filtering capabilities of Privoxy can be used to mangle all different kind of things: web page content, cookies and disturbing internet junk like ads, pop-ups and banners. It is also possible to change some HTTP header fields. This is crucial: if we would have added these lines:

header_access Referer deny all
header_access User-Agent deny all

to the squid.conf, some websites wouldn’t function correctly, because they require these fields. If these fields aren’t set, parts of a website might not be displayed or you’re denied access completely. This is were Privoxy comes into play: you can set these two fields to whatever you want or let Privoxy decide this dynamically at runtime, e.g. it fakes the referrer to point to the requested website instead of revealing the page you really came from.

Now install Privoxy and change the following in its config file:

#debug 1
forward  /     proxy.isp.com:8080
forward  :443  .

The first line needs to be commented out or Privoxy would write every request to its logfile. The second and third line say that every request should be passed to this parent proxy and every HTTPS connection should be established directly with the foreign web server. These forward lines are read from top to bottom: the last line that matches will be used. If you don’t want to use a parent proxy at all you could just write:

forward  /     .

which says that requests should be made directly with the web servers.

Next we need to make some changes to the file named default.action. There is an action which matches all URLs and the following lines can be defined for it:


While the first line defines thats the referrer should be forged to match the current website the second line sets the User-Agent field no matter what browser we’re using behind our proxy. You probably want to set the User-Agent to something different, e.g. if you’re using IE. I haven’t run into problems with this settings yet, though I’m using Firefox and Safari.

At this time Privoxy is ready to run and now all we need to do is to tell Squid to use Privoxy as a parent proxy:

cache_peer localhost parent 8118 7 no-digest no-query

We built a chain of proxies: first our request goes to Squid which in turn hands it to Privoxy. You might ask why we bothered to setup Squid at all. Shouldn’t it be sufficient just to use Privoxy? This highly depends on the features you’d like to have: a sophisticated cache and the possibility of a transparent proxy are strong reasons for Squid. If you’re somewhere just with your notebook, e.g. in some office, you might want to opt for Privoxy without a Squid, because there may be already a proxy and you just want to obfuscate the requests you make to that proxy.

Tuning Privoxy

In the default installation of Privoxy on Debian systems there are a lot of other filters enabled, which remove ads and the like. All this content filtering can slow things down and use a good deal of processing time, i.e. massive CPU usage. I recommend turning off the filtering in Privoxy and suggest using a Firefox plugin like Adblock Plus.

If you’d like to disable the filtering done by Privoxy, change the following in the config file: comment out all lines starting with

  • actionsfile except:
    actionsfile default
  • filterfile

In the file default.action:

  • There’s a block matching all URLs. Delete all filter lines.
  • Comment out everything below:
    +add-header{X-Actions-File-Version: 1.8}

That’s it. Now Privoxy will run a lot faster.

2 thoughts on “Enhancing your privacy using Squid and Privoxy”

  1. Pingback: How can I prevent squid from being detected? - Admins Goodies

  2. Pingback: How can I prevent squid from being detected? - Just just easy answers

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